Dear Friends, I’m writing to you today because we share the mission of bringing mindfulness into the world, because we know it helps a great many people. Here at Mindful we get to hear from those folks everyday: teachers, nurses, police, gardeners, bankers, parents, you name it. We learn how they are using these tools to be more present and have better relationships at work, at home, and in their daily lives. I want to take this occasion to thank everyone who subscribed to Mindful magazine and visited in 2014. The year-over-year growth was stunning and this group is the biggest single source of support for all our Mindful activities. Thank you so much. And since Mindful is a nonprofit, we wouldn’t exist without the generous support of the Hemera Foundation and the 1440 Foundation, two visionary organizations who are moving mindfulness forward. And of course, the numerous individual donors: your help has been invaluable. Thank you all so much. Then there is anonymous, that surprise donor who is the third significant supporter. Whoever and wherever you are (and there’s more than one of you), it’s always a joy and a surprise to hear from you. Thank you for your anonymous support of our work.

Yet we still need your continued support to make our work happen. The interest in mindfulness and Mindful content is growing exponentially. Here in the last weeks of 2014 we are working on a number of new initiatives to serve this growing need in 2015, including: • The new Mindful Digital Edition for the iPad, launching Feb 2015. We’ve developed it using the most powerful tools from Adobe , and it will enable Mindful to reach the tablet and mobile audience with a beautiful interface; • [email protected], the new annual publication for all who are creating mindful workplaces. It will be available in print and in a digital edition that will be available for bulk purchase to businesses and organizations; • Mindful conferences in the fall 2015 on the East and West Coasts, so we can meet together and talk face to face.

How You Can Help

Please take action today to support these initiatives. Here are some ways you can help us complete this work, allowing us to finish 2014 strong and ready for 2015. • You can give Mindful as a gift. One of our readers recently called to order 70 subscriptions to put in his holiday gift bags. • You can help us raise $100,000 by December 31 to complete our 2014 Funding Goal. • You can make a donation. • You can help us Expand our Funding Circle. If you know potential donors who want to see mindfulness flourish, please invite them to put Mindful on their 2014 year end giving list. Donations, anonymous or otherwise, can be sent to: Foundation for Mindful Society 1776 I Street, 9th Floor, Washington, DC. 20006. For more information, you can: Contact Jim Gimian, Publisher email: [email protected] direct line: 902-431-8140 Watch the Connect the Dots animated video to learn more about our Mindful initiative as a social innovation project, bringing the benefits of mindfulness to address the challenges in our society. We think of Mindful as a social innovation project because we know that mindfulness, awareness, kindness, and compassion help develop healthy individuals, healthier relationships, and a more caring and compassionate society.

Mindful magazine,, MindfulDirect video, conferences and collaborations All projects of: Foundation for a Mindful Society, a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization. 1776 I Street, 9th Floor Washington, DC, 20002 Thank you again for your shared work in bringing mindfulness to more people —Jim       Countdown to 2015: Video 1 of 15

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